USSEC: Soybeans help impoverished countries develop diets, technology


USSEC: Soybeans help impoverished countries develop diets, technology

A board member with the United States Soybean Export Council (USSEC) says low-income countries are using American soybeans to improve humanitarian needs.

Lance Rezac tells Brownfield USSEC partners with the World Institute for Soy and Human Health (WISHH) to promote US soy and raise the standard of living. “I’ve heard they go in and they have fruit or something and then they add soy protein to it.  That way they can meet their protein needs just by adding soy protein to their fruit.  That is a really simple thing,” he says.

Rezac, a Kansas producer, says many countries must use fruit or vegetables with soy protein first before raising animals.

Rezac says he’s helped with projects in Pakistan and Bangladesh. “They have a state-of-the-art crush plant now.  We’re helping them do aquaculture and poultry,” Rezac says. “Pakistan is a little ahead of them.  Pakistan, we have their poultry industry all switched over to modern techniques so they can have twice as big of birds in half the time feeding US soy.”

USSEC says both countries have imported over 1 million metric tons of soybeans and are on pace to crush more as expansion projects demand more feed stock.

He spoke with Brownfield during the 2021 Kansas Soybean Expo
