New WOTUS rule could be replaced under Biden


New WOTUS rule could be replaced under Biden

The president of the Missouri Farm Bureau says the new Navigable Waters Protection Rule – which replaced the Waters of the U.S. rule – is likely to be challenged under a Biden administration.

Blake Hurst was a guest (Thursday) on the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City post-election panel, “Yea, I think it’s without a doubt that they’ll take a run at the WOTUS rule and the court fights from the present rule won’t be done before we’ll be arguing over a new one.”

Hurst says over the past few years Congress has abdicated a lot of responsibilities that should be theirs.

“When that happens and we legislate by executive order those executive orders can change every four years and probably will. So, yes, my guess would be they’re already thinking about what that new rule might look like.”

The Trump administration’s replacement for the Obama administration’s WOTUS rule is under court challenge for not going far enough. Farm Bureau, at the national and state levels, challenged WOTUS for going too far, putting farmers at potential risk of over-regulation.
