Muscatine gas dock closed for maintenance, repairs; reopens June 28

Muscatine Gas Dock. (City of Muscatine)

The Muscatine Gas Dock, located in the channel just outside of the Muscatine Boat Harbor and Marina, is currently closed for maintenance and repairs. Among the maintenance items being conducted is checking and evaluating the fueling equipment to ensure safe operating standards. The facility will be closed through Monday, June 24, and is tentatively scheduled to reopen the weekend of June 28.

During normal days of operation, the Gas Dock is not staffed during the day (Monday through Friday) with regular weekend hours established during peak season (Friday 5-7 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m.-2 p.m.). Operation of the Gas Dock is based on weather permitting.

Gas and diesel may be available on an appointment basis during the regular work week (Monday-Friday) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. when staff is available. Call the Parks and Recreation Department at (563) 263-0241 to schedule a weekday appointment.

The Gas Dock is in operation from approximately Memorial Day through Labor Day. These dates may fluctuate based on flooding, maintenance or construction situations. Also located at the gas dock is a pump out station. Pump out is free with a fuel purchase or $5 without fuel purchase.

Please contact the Muscatine Parks and Recreation Department at (563) 263-0241 for more information.
