Norbert F. Beckey Bridge receives 2024 Eddy Award

(City of Muscatine)

Muscatine and Musco Lighting were recently awarded the 2024 Eddy Award – Art category by River Action at their annual banquet last week for the lights on the Norbert F. Beckey Bridge.

The bridge was nominated by Sarah Lande of Muscatine, a Board of Director for River Action. The bridge lighting project which first began as a Leadership Muscatine project in 2005, was the first bridge to span the Mississippi River with LED lights.

The Eddy Awards recognize projects that go against the current in relentlessly pursuing excellence on our area’s river. Muscatine received its recognition for its music themed light show during the holiday season which is a collaborative effort of Musco Lighting & Muscatine Power & Water. Representatives from Musco Lighting, Muscatine Power & Water and GMCCI were all recognized at the event and accepted this prestigious award.
