Back to back meetings for Muscatine City Council Thursday

A challenging budget season for the City of Muscatine will begin Thursday night during the second of two Muscatine City Council meetings. The City Council will conduct their regular meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, and will then hear the General Fund Overview presentation from City Administrator Carol Webb and Finance Director Nancy Lueck during the second meeting.

A public hearing on revisions to Muscatine City Code regarding the use of UTVs within City Limits will be held in the opening meeting Thursday. The proposed changes would permit Utility Vehicles on Park Avenue and Dick Drake Way in addition to the already permitted usage on City of Muscatine streets.

The City Council will also be asked to:

  • Approve the contract and bond for the Sunset Park Lighting Project;
  • Set two public hearings for February 15 (Grandview Avenue Sidewalk Extension Project and Clark House elevator Upgrade Project);
  • Approve the purchase and installation of cameras in City of Muscatine parks as part of the Park Security Project;
  • Accept a grant from the State of Iowa’s Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program to help pay for and install six cameras within the Riverfront Park area.

The Council meeting begins at 6 p.m. and the public is welcomed, and encouraged, to attend the session in person.

Several options are available for those who cannot attend in person but would like to watch the proceedings. The City Council meeting will be broadcast live on the City of Muscatine YouTube channel and on Civic-TV (Muscatine Power & Water Cable Channel 2). A virtual option is also available for those who want to watch the proceedings on their desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Information on joining the virtual session is listed below.

Information on the other agenda items can be found by clicking AGENDA to download a PDF version of the City Council agenda and/or attachments.

Muscatine City Council Meeting | Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (CDT)

Join the virtual Zoom meeting from your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone by clicking the following link: Muscatine City Council Meeting.

Meeting ID: 825 5169 1259

Passcode: 927879
