Children are invited to the Muscatine Art Center on Saturday, September 24 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. to learn more about an ancient art form and to create their own illuminated letter to take home.
An illumination is an embellishment, or decoration on the pages of a manuscript. An illuminated letter was usually the first letter of a page or paragraph. It was always enlarged and in color with gold leafapplied to areas to “illuminate” the page, while the rest of the text remained black.
The images used to enhance the letters include animals, plants, and mythological creatures. Illuminated letters, part of larger illuminated manuscripts, were widespread throughout Europe during Medieval times, but some are older than that.
This free class is open to kids ages 7 to 14 and their families. Please register by September 23 by calling 563-263-8282.