Progress being made as work continues on West Hill, Grandview projects

[City of Muscatine]

The 700 block of Climer Street will be closed to all traffic beginning today, Monday, August 8, as pavement restoration begins from the alley at 700 Climer to just past the High Street intersection. No parking signs were put out Friday morning ahead of the reconstruction work.

Haggerty Earthworks, Inc., indicated that the block will be prepped for paving on Monday and Tuesday with curb and gutter poured on both sides Wednesday and the driving lanes on Thursday, weather permitting. The tentative schedule calls for the block to reopen on August 15. Some lane restrictions may be implemented as the contractor completes driveway and sidewalk replacement.

The underground crew on Climer will be moving to the ravine between High Street and Logan to complete that section of sewer separation. Logan Street is tentatively scheduled to be closed to traffic on August 15 as underground work begins from Lucas to Climer. Area residents will be notified of the exact date of the street closure and the contractor will work with residents on access to their residences.

Meanwhile a second underground crew is wrapping up work at the Bush intersection on Lucas Street. That work is tentatively scheduled to be completed August 9, weather permitting. That crew will then move to the other side of West 8th Street and begin the sewer separation work toward Green Street.

Paving of Lucas from West 8th to Busch is tentatively scheduled to begin after the competition of the 700 block of Climer Street depending on the weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Busch Street Detour – In order to maintain access to the residents of Busch Street, the City of Muscatine obtained permission from the owner of property located at the end of Greenwood Drive to use that private property to construct a connector path from the alley behind Busch Street to the end of Greenwood Drive. The path has been completed but is open to local traffic only. 

Using the route from Lucas down Greenwood Drive to the connector to the alley and to Busch provides access to all the homes on Busch during the Lucas intersection closure. Once the Busch-Lucas intersection is reopened, the temporary access road will be removed and reseeded to return it to its original condition.

Since the temporary access area runs next to a ravine, there have been problems in the past with people using that area to dump trash and other materials. If any such activity is witnessed during this period of use to access Busch Street please notify the Police Department.


Grandview Avenue is now open to two-way traffic. Drivers are reminded that Grandview from Main Street through the Houser intersection remains active construction zone with some lane restrictions as work continues. Please proceed with caution, slow down, and watch for construction workers. Speed limit is 25 mph and fines are doubled in construction zones.

Pavement restoration on Houser Street from Grandview Avenue to Mittman is scheduled to begin Saturday (Aug. 6). The contractor anticipates completing the intersection next week with plans to reopen that leg of the intersection around August 15, weather permitting.

The Sampson leg of the intersection will remain closed as underground work continues between Grandview Avenue to the Canadian Pacific Railroad crossing.

Heuer Construction, Inc., will resume work on sidewalks and driveways in Phase 1 of the Grandview Project after Houser is completed, and continue working on sidewalks and driveways in Phase 2 until the Sampson intersection is ready for paving.

The City of Muscatine and the Iowa DOT reminds motorists to drive with caution, obey the posted speed limit and other signs in the work area, and be aware that traffic fines for moving violations are at least double in work zones. As in all work zones, drivers should stay alert, allow ample space between vehicles, wear seat belts, and be aware of construction workers. Use an alternate route if possible.

Click on CONSTRUCTION to visit the Department of Public Works Construction Projects page where more information can be found on City of Muscatine construction projects. An interactive map is available showing current street closures and street work.

If you have a comment or concern, please email or A staff member will respond within 24 hours.
