Indiana crops benefited from recent rain


Indiana crops benefited from recent rain

Indiana’s crops had a week with some welcome rain and cooler temperatures.  USDA statistician Nathanial Warenski says soil moisture levels rose, with 70% of topsoil now having adequate or surplus moisture.  The rain also spurred pasture and hay regrowth.

USDA reporters say 85% of the corn is now silking with 25% of corn in the dough stage.  Sixty percent of the crop is in good condition.

Seventy-seven percent of Indiana’s soybeans are blooming with 541% setting pods.  Almost 60% of the soybeans are in good condition.

Farmers had a little more than four days suitable for fieldwork last week, and many of them were working on third crop hay with 25% of third crop alfalfa cut and 11% of other third crop hay cut.
