Arkansas crops: soybeans 79% and rice 81% good to excellent


Arkansas crops: soybeans 79% and rice 81% good to excellent

Planting for Arkansas farmers is down to the final fields.

Soybeans are 96% planted with 90% of the crop emerged, 34% blooming, 8% setting pods, and 79% rated good to excellent.  Cotton is 97% emerged, 26% squaring, and 82% rated good to excellent.  Peanuts are 99% emerged, and 85% rated good to excellent.  The rice crop is rated 81% rated good to excellent.  Corn is 34% silking, 1% in the dough stage, and 78% rated good to excellent. 

Seventy-one percent of the winter wheat crop has been harvested.  The first cutting of hay is 87% complete, the second cutting is 2% complete, and 68% is rated good. Vegetables are 84% good to excellent. 

Topsoil moisture was 53% adequate to surplus and subsoil moisture was 66% adequate to surplus. 
