Iowa biorefinery producing ethanol and renewable natural gas from corn


Iowa biorefinery producing ethanol and renewable natural gas from corn

Central Iowa is home to the first industrial scale renewable natural gas facility in the U.S. to use agricultural residues as feedstock.

CEO Claus Sauter calls the Verbio Nevada Biorefinery a game changer.

“Our upstream is the global agriculture market. We are able to transform everything that global agriculture is able to supply into biomass molecules.”

During a grand opening celebration Friday that featured Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and several members of Congress, the head of the German-based company said the Verbio plant will process 100,000 tons of corn stover annually procured from farmers within a 50 to 75-mile radius.

“Effectively creating another market for those farmers from the same corn crop.”

By the end of this year, the plant will be producing 60 million gallons of corn ethanol and nearly 20 million equivalent gallons of renewable natural gas from stillage that will be pumped directly into an Alliant Energy pipeline.
