Seeking survey participants for public input on downtown

[Courtesy Downtown Muscatine]

The City of Muscatine is partnering with the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) on the first step to develop and implement strategies for a stronger community starting with an assessment of Downtown Muscatine.

“This partnership will assist us in defining the importance of downtown development and, specifically, how we can implement strategies to make the downtown more viable,” Jodi Royal-Goodwin, Community Development Director, said. “Downtown revitalization is a key ingredient in growing our community and a City priority.”

The City has contracted with the IEDA’s Downtown Resource Center to have the Downtown Assessment completed. The Assessment will be performed by an experienced team of professionals who identify local strengths and weaknesses creating the basis for recommendations on how to attract customers to the area.

The first step of the Assessment is a pre-visit online survey that will be followed by an intense, on-site study of the downtown area. The survey is open to the public and available at Downtown Muscatine Survey but will close on April 15.

The goal is to have 100 residents and businesses complete the survey to give the assessment team an understanding of Muscatine before they hit the streets.

The short survey seeks public input on the strengths and weaknesses of Downtown Muscatine, how to improve the business climate, and what public amenities are most needed in the district.

A downtown or traditional commercial district represents a community’s history and helps define the community according to the IEDA. City planners will have a better understanding of the unique identity of the downtown district, and features and strengths that draw residents, visitors, businesses, and commerce through the survey and assessment team visit.
