Ethanol group thanks Senators, pushes for no change in 2020 RVO’s


Ethanol group thanks Senators, pushes for no change in 2020 RVO’s

Biofuels groups are thanking a bipartisan group of Senators for speaking out against EPA’s proposed Renewable Fuel Standard rules.  Troy Bredenkamp is with the Renewable Fuels Association.  He tells Brownfield EPA’s proposed rule had some favorable things but reopening the previous year Renewable Volume Obligations sets a bad precedent. “If they are able to reopen those previous years at any point in the future, it does make that kind of a commitment for 2022 and years beyond somewhat hollow.”

The comment deadline for EPA’s proposed RFS rule is Friday, and Bredenkamp says they will be going on record against reducing 2020 volumes, “And say that is not the direction the U.S. EPA should go. We certainly hope they bring some certainty and follow through with the Biden Administration’s commitment to put the RFS back on track. We think that would not include reopening 2020 and going with the statutory volumes.”

Fourteen Senators sent a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan Tuesday asking him to maintain 2022 blending requirements including half of a court-ordered 500-million-gallon remand.  The Senators also want Regan to deny all pending small refinery exemptions, eliminate the proposed retroactive 2020 renewable volume obligations, and set the 2021 RVO’s at statutory levels. 

Bredenkamp says RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper was meeting with Administrator Regan and other biofuels supporters Tuesday afternoon.
