Emergency contact information can be attached to your Iowa driver license

If you were in a crash or had another emergency where you could not respond, how would your friends and family be notified?

The Iowa DOT is collecting emergency contact information to attach to your drivers license that can help.

By voluntarily entering up to two emergency contacts, law enforcement will be able to contact your family or friends quickly, even if they are out of state.

Only the Iowa DOT and law enforcement would have access to your emergency contact information. This information would only be used in an emergency to notify the contacts that you designate. The information is stored electronically and it does not go on your driver’s license or identification card.

Providing this information is voluntary and you can add up to two emergency contacts. To add or update your emergency contacts, complete and submit the Emergency Contact Form at https://iowadot.seamlessdocs.com/f/430305EmergencyContactInformationRequesttoSubmitorChangeInformation
