Minnesota farmer concerned about costs and accessibility in 2022


Minnesota farmer concerned about costs and accessibility in 2022

A farmer in southern Minnesota is concerned about costs and accessibility going into 2022.

Angela Guentzel of Mankato tells Brownfield next year could be a challenge because of escalating input prices and limited access to parts and machinery.

“One of the things we’re nervous about is any repairs or new equipment is needed, the availability to get it is something that we’ve been trying to plan as much ahead for as possible. It’s hard to say what the future will bring in availability of stuff.”

The Minnesota Corn Growers board director says while there’s not much her family can do about parts and equipment shortages, there are ways to offset input expenses.

“We’ve done a lot as far as soil health (by) using microbial products, and that’s been something that has helped reduce other costs. So that’s been a good piece for us.”

Guentzel hopes commodity prices stay elevated next year to balance out higher inputs.
