Policy specialist expects bigger push to tie conservation compliance with revenue protection in next farm bill
A long-time policy specialist expects the next farm bill to tether conservation compliance with revenue protection.
Mary Kay Thatcher is senior manager of federal government and industry relations for Syngenta.
“I think that there’s very likely to be an even bigger push to tie conservation programs or regulations of some sort to the ability to potentially get the same kind of premiums for crop insurance, or to get ARC or PLC payments under the farm program.”
She says the farm bill gets harder to pass with each iteration, and ag detractors will complain about ad hoc payments amid improved net farm income.
“So that will cause negativity, especially the major press (who) will pick up on that. I also think you always have to watch what’s happening in Europe.”
Thatcher says Europe’s farm-to-fork strategy of reducing pesticides, antimicrobials, and tripling organic production will probably influence the 2023 Farm Bill.
Thatcher took part in a panel discussing federal policy at the Minnesota AgriGrowth Food and Ag Summit in Minneapolis Thursday.