One-third of Missourians without ‘good’ internet


One-third of Missourians without ‘good’ internet

A large number of Missourians do not have good internet, according to University of Missouri’s Dr. Sarah Low, “One in three households don’t have what we call  fixed wire type broadband.”

That type includes fiber optic, cable and DSL broadband which she says is more reliable and faster than satellite broadband or hotspots from cell phones.

Low says the lower the income in Missouri, the lower the adoption, even if internet exists, “In rural areas, fewer than 15% of those higher income households don’t have internet. In metro areas, it’s between five and 10-percent.”

She says the bipartisan infrastructure bill, if passed by Congress, has a healthy chunk of funds for states to increase broadband and contains incentives for low-income households to adopt it.

Missouri Broadband Resource
