SCN Action Month underway


SCN Action Month underway

The SCN Coalition and BASF have joined forces as part of SCN Action month.

Jeremiah Mullock is seed treatment product manager with BASF tells Brownfield Ag News, “We’re bringing information to growers around making agronomic decisions and defending against the number one pest in soybeans, Soybean Cyst Nematode.”

Greg Tylka, Iowa State University nematologist and spokesman for the SCN Coalition says soybean cyst nematode is the single LARGEST cause of uncontrolled yield loss, “There are lots of other things that reduce soybean yields as well as SCN but by and far SCN is the GIANT uncontrolled yield loss reason. So it all starts with soil tests. You can’t manage a problem that you don’t know you have.”

The coalition and BASF are giving away free soil test kits to the first 500 growers who request one by October 31st. They’re asking growers to test their soil and mail it to the BASF-approved lab postmarked by November 15th. BASF will cover up to $20 of the lab test cost.

Interview with Jeremiah Mullock and Greg Tylka ^^
