#AndyClean: How one farmer’s claim to fame started by simply cleaning his tractors


#AndyClean: How one farmer’s claim to fame started by simply cleaning his tractors

Brownfield’s Rhiannon Branch interviewed Pasztor at the 2021 Farm Progress Show in Decatur, IL.

Farmers across North America are posting pictures of their squeaky-clean equipment on Twitter using the hashtag “#AndyClean”.

The movement is named after Ontario, Canada farmer Andy Pasztor who has always had a passion for keeping his new and used equipment in tip top shape.

“I just posted some picture of me washing equipment because I like clean tractors. Then people would put up pictures of their tractors and hashtag it #AndyClean and it has really grown from there.”

Andy now has nearly 23,000 followers on Twitter. John Deere even hosted Andy at the farm progress show where he passed out Andy Clean decals for farmers to put on their equipment.

“People ask me ‘How do you get it #AndyClean?’. You just have to wash it, it’s not rocket science. You just wash it until it is clean!”

He tells Brownfield he never expected his passion to resonate so strongly with other farmers, but he is ready to expand the Andy Clean brand.

“I get a lot of folks asking me what kind of soap I use and I got to thinking maybe we should get an Andy Clean line of soap going so that is what we are currently working on. We have a pretty good product coming out. We have tested it with some of the pickiest farmers I know. So that is what people can be watching for and we will see what happens.”

He says he is looking forward to farmers sharing pictures of their #AndyClean equipment throughout harvest season.

Interview with Andy Pasztor
