Bicentennial photos of farming draw distinction

Missouri’s Ag director says the bicentennial photos at the Missouri State Fair of farming practices over the years shows how far agriculture has come.
“If you look back just only 50 years ago what our tractors looked like compared to today it’s such a distinction.”
Chris Chinn says people forget there’s technology in producing food.
“You know, I love getting in a car and having my air conditioner work very well on a hot day. And it used to be 50 years ago we didn’t have air conditioning on our tractors. Just to see those small, subtle changes that we all take for granted, and you can see it very clearly in those pictures.”
Photos of ag practices years ago are on display in the Ag Building at the state fair in Sedalia, while old farm implements are displayed at the Missouri Farm Bureau building, part of the fair’s bicentennial celebration of Missouri’s statehood.