Crop protection a focus for Iowa farmer during virtual Commodity Classic


Crop protection a focus for Iowa farmer during virtual Commodity Classic

The latest in crop protection is being featured at this week’s virtual Commodity Classic.

Iowa Corn Growers vice president Lance Lillibridge, who farms near Vinton in eastern Iowa, tells Brownfield agriculture is doing a fantastic job cutting back on chemicals.

“The products are getting better and safer all the time (and) to me that’s a key thing for agriculture is being able to stay on top of crop care and produce the best possible crop every year.”

But he says there’s no room for complacency as farmers deal with herbicide resistant weeds and emerging crop diseases.

“A good mechanic will always tell you there’s never enough tools, and I think that’s kind of the same thing with agriculture. If we ever get complacent thinking we have enough tools in the toolbox, we might be in trouble.”

That’s why Lillibridge says he’s so interested in new technologies like a systemic fungicide he learned about during last year’s Commodity Classic that he plans to try on his farm.
