National Farmers Union might restrict who can serve as convention delegates
National Farmers Union delegates might tighten up the rules on who can be a national delegate.
During their national convention’s opening session Monday, North Dakota’s President Mark Watney proposed a bylaw change that would restrict non-farmers. “It states each delegate and alternate selected in accordance with section law shall be a member in good standing and shall have been or be now actively engaged in farming or ranching.”
The proposed change would use USDA’s definition of a farmer.
Not everyone is supportive of the proposed change, including Rocky Mountain chapter delegate Roy Pfaltzgraff who proposed a nearly identical bylaw change with a big difference. “The difference is instead of saying all delegates, we are asking that a majority of delegates be actively engaged in farming and ranching.”
The proposal to limit delegates to farmers failed to get past the bylaws committee Friday for a lack of majority on a 5-3 vote with two abstentions. The two similar proposals introduced Monday will be debated by delegates Tuesday during NFU’s online convention.