2020 milk production up 2%


2020 milk production up 2%

Milk production during December again showed month over month growth closing out the year two percent higher than in 2019.

USDA says production in the U.S. for the month was up three percent at nearly 19 billion pounds with production per cow up 40 pounds from last year. 

The herd size was up 100,000 head on the year and 12,000 from last month.  The herd expanded by 43,000 on average for the year.

Michigan remained the leader for the year with the most productive cows in the nation. Florida and Vermont had the largest decrease in milk production during December while South Dakota was up nearly 12 percent, followed by Indiana, up nearly 10 percent.

Milk production in the fourth quarter of 2020 was up three percent from last year during the same period with a herd size of 9.3 million cows.  The herd size increased 81,000 from the same quarter last year and was up 59,000 head from the second quarter.
