Congratulations to Assistant Chief Phil Sargent, who retired from the Muscatine Police Department after 31 years of service!
Assistant Chief Sargent joined the Muscatine Police Department in 1989. In those years, he rose through the ranks as a Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant and finally was appointed the Assistant Chief.
During his career, Assistant Chief Sargent worked tirelessly to ensure standards and professionalism for the department, and to make the Muscatine Police Department an agency recognized on a national level. Assistant Chief Sargent attended the FBI National Academy in 2002, and has since been an active member of the Iowa Chapter of the FBINAA.
Assistant Chief Sargent was also instrumental in transforming the Muscatine Police Department, by achieving Accreditation from CALEA, the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. This was first achieved in the year 2000, and has been recertified every 3 years since, under his direct supervision and guidance.
For years, Assistant Chief Sargent also served as a board member of the Muscatine Police Officers Association, and continued the charitable efforts of this organization. He always takes an active role in the annual Shop with a Cop program, helping to brighten the holidays for hundreds of children in the community.