Station Spotlight: WILS 1320

Radio Stations

Station Spotlight: WILS 1320

Brownfield is proud to partner with WILS 1320 AM, Lansing, Michigan.  This News Talk station provides live and local news every day.

Check out the website and follow them on Twitter @1320WILS.

Here are few things you might like to know about WILS:         

How long has your station been on the air?  The station has been on the air since 1949.  It has been in its present format: 2007. 

How long have you been a Brownfield affiliate?  Since 2007

What Brownfield programs do you air?  Two news updates daily

Tell us about the services your station provides.  Live local news every hour, live local 3 hour morning show.  The best syndicated news-talk shows throughout the day and week.  Live election night results coverage.

Tell us about your community involvement.  We cover local meetings and events in person.  Have a local pet show on the weekends that highlights local charities and pet shelters.

Tell us about any involvement you have, or coverage you provide, to any agriculture related groups.  On our Saturday morning pet show we always feature the local 4H clubs, talk about county fair animal shows, etc.
