CEO says goal to make FFA a bully-free zone
The CEO of FFA says the national organization is focused on making FFA a bully-free zone.
Mark Poeschl says the work started in 2017 within FFA toward inclusion, diversity and equity continues, “Truly, we need to be a welcoming place from all walks of life from all parts of the country.”
This summer, the FFA removed the Western Region Vice President for comments he made on social media before becoming an officer that were deemed inappropriate. Poeschl says he wondered if FFA maybe hadn’t moved quickly enough with its goals, “I think we learned that, from a national officer selection process, that we can do a more effective job.”
Poeschl says FFA is now vetting candidates more closely, working with states that nominate them, “What I hope we’ve learned is that we can take some steps from this point forward to be even more effective and, hopefully, not have to be in a situation like that ever again.”
Poeshcle was a featured speaker at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting virtual convention.