MCSD celebrating ‘American Education Week’ and debuts a SCJH video

This week is ‘American Education Week’, and to celebrate, Muscatine Community School District (MCSD) just debuted a video highlighting Susan Clark Junior High and the history behind the name. American Education Week presents everyone with an opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring that every student receives a quality education.

MCSD had planned on hosting a ribbon cutting event at Susan Clark Junior High but had to delay it due to rising COVID numbers.

The video features contributions from:

  • La Nisha Cassell, Executive Director African American Museum in Cedar Rapids
  • Russell Lovell, Professor Emeritus of Law at Drake University
  • Adrien Wing, Associate Dean for International and Comparative Law Programs and the Bessie Dutton Murray Professor at the University of Iowa College of Law


To learn more about Susan Clark, her father, and the historic court case click here.
