Dicamba decision brings certainty for retailers and farmers


Dicamba decision brings certainty for retailers and farmers

The Vice President of Seed Marketing for WinField United says the EPA’s announcement to allow registration of dicamba products for the next five years brings certainty to their retailers and farmers working with Xtend soybeans.

“Will I be able to spray them over the top? Will I actually be able to use the innovation and the technology? That’s been dashed. So, now there is confidence and it really brings a lot of stability to that trait platform.”

Jim Hedges tells Brownfield the additional label restrictions including the nationwide June 30th application deadline reflect the research being done by EPA and manufacturers to keep dicamba available for farmers.

“It really clearly defines what is expected from a custom applicator or a grower spraying their own. This was an in depth look at the science behind the over-the-top dicamba application on Xtend and XtendFlex soybeans.”

WinField United has a retailer network centralized in the Midwest that reaches across 48 states.

Interview with Jim Hedges
