EPA says additional state dicamba expansions, restrictions need approval


EPA says additional state dicamba expansions, restrictions need approval

The EPA Administrator says expanding or restricting dicamba use under the new label will need the agency’s approval.  Andrew Wheeler says like before, there is a process for states to expand the use of products like dicamba. “States can further restrict. If they want to expand it, they would have to work with us. It’s not an automatic expansion. They would have to file the appropriate request with the EPA, and we’re more than happy to entertain those requests.”

EPA’s Alexandra Dunn says there is a different process for further restrictions beyond the federal label. “It is under a provision of FIPRA 24-A and the states need to pursue a legislative process within the state to restrict the federal label as the Administrator indicated. The federal label is the national program.”

Wheeler says before approving the new dicamba label, the agency reviewed new scientific information and considered input from stakeholder groups.  He says the new label meets FIPRA standards and addressed concerns by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. “We believe, you know, in responding to the court decision, having a national date for cotton and a national date for soybeans is responsive to the court’s concerns about the labels.”

Wheeler announced dicamba would be re-registered for five years at an event in Georgia Tuesday.
