Fungicides can help growers in challenging years


Fungicides can help growers in challenging years

Beck’s regional agronomy manager Steve Gauck says fungicides can make a huge difference during a challenging year like 2020.

“With these low commodity prices we have to figure out how we yield our way out of this but still be profitable and how do fungicides play into that,” he says.

He tells Brownfield timing of application is critical.

“Timing is a big thing- so in corn it’s spraying at VT and on soybeans it’s spraying at R3,” he says. “Then, looking at fungicides that have multiple modes of action is important. We’re helping with resistance and controlling a wider range of diseases which helps get us through the season, prolong grain fill, and create bigger beans and bigger kernels.”

Gauck says application at R3 and VT is PFR Proven, meaning a product or practice has provided a positive yield increase during three or more years of testing and averages a positive return on investment during that time as well.

Audio: Steve Gauck
