BASF adds new soybean options to its 2021 lineup
BASF has launched a new soybean option for farmers for the 2021 growing season.
Marc Hoobler, the US soybean agronomy lead for BASF, says Xitavo Brand soybeans with Enlist E3 technology brings higher yields and improved weed resistance. “MS Technologies is providing unique germplasm,” he says. “This Enlist E3 trait package is really going to offer growers a lot of flexibility when it comes to their weed control programs in soybeans.”
He tells Brownfield Xitavo soybean seed has triple-stack herbicide tolerance and growers can utilize multiple modes of action to battle tough to control weeds. “Making sure we have at least two effective modes of action in the spray tank when that grower goes across that field,” he says. “We know what happens when we rely only on one mode of action – weeds can adapt very quickly. And we certainly don’t want that to happen.”
And, Hoobler says Xitavo soybeans have also been performing well in yield trials. “Generally you see about a half a bushel genetic gain year-on-year,’ he says. “These actually were at 105% of the test mean in the trails they were entered.”
Xitavo Brand soybeans will be available in 19 varieties covering relative maturity groups 0.1 to 4.6.
AUDIO: Marc Hoobler, BASF