Yet another chance for Section 179 conformity in Minnesota
A leader with the Minnesota Soybean Growers is staying optimistic about full Section 179 conformity.
Kittson County farmer Theresa Gillie, a past president of the Association, says legislators have an opportunity to help farmers and small businesses when the legislature reconvenes August 12th.
“Every grower out there needs to use that 179 to benefit their farming operation, and it isn’t just farming. It’s small businesses and stuff too. So it’s not just significant to farming.”
Minnesota is one of just a handful of states that doesn’t fully conform with the federal expense cap of $1 million for certain types of property like farm equipment.
“Farmers update things as they need them. It’s not like something that we do on a whim and a prayer. And of course we want to make sure our farms stay safe. The growers don’t need any more stress out there.”
Bipartisan efforts to conform Section 179 expensing to the federal level have repeatedly failed going back to the 2019 Legislative Session.