Crops benefitted from good weather across Minnesota


Crops benefitted from good weather across Minnesota

Minnesota weather was good for crops last week.  USDA reporters say there were almost six days suitable for fieldwork, with farmers busy harvesting small grains, fruits, potatoes, and vegetables.  Many were also cutting hay.

Ninety-one percent of Minnesota’s soybeans are now setting pods, more than a week ahead of average.  Sixty-two percent of the state’s corn is in the dough stage or beyond.  Spring wheat coloring is nearly complete, with 19% of the crop harvested.  The oat harvest is 64% finished, which is a week ahead of average.  Barley for grain is rated 74% good to excellent and is 39% harvested.

Many farmers harvested 2nd crop hay last week, which is now 91% finished.  Sugarbeets are rated 93% good to excellent and 80% of dry beans are good to excellent with 94% of the dry beans setting pods.
