Wisconsin harvests hay, wheat, potatoes as corn and beans mature


Wisconsin harvests hay, wheat, potatoes as corn and beans mature

A cool and relatively dry week allowed Wisconsin farmers to make hay, while other crops continued to mature.  Parts of the eastern half of the state received between 1 and two-and-a-half inches of rain.

USDA reporters say the 2nd cutting of alfalfa hay is now 93% finished, and the 3rd cutting is 38% finished, which is about 8 days ahead of last year but a day behind average.  Eighty percent of Wisconsin’s hay is in good to excellent condition.

Eighty-one percent of Wisconsin’s corn is in good to excellent condition, with 84% silking, 19% at dough stage, and none reported as dented yet.  Eighty-three percent of the soybeans are good to excellent.  89% are blooming with 63% of the beans setting pods. 

The harvest is picking up for oats and potatoes.  Thirty-four percent of the oats are in the bin, with 82% of the crop rated good to excellent.  The potato harvest is now 7% complete, which is slightly behind average.  The crop improved this week with 92% of the state’s potatoes reported as good to excellent.  Sixty-two percent of Wisconsin’s winter wheat for grain is harvested, with 78% of the crop reported as good or excellent.
