Wisconsin logs over 500 reports about unsolicited seeds from China


Wisconsin logs over 500 reports about unsolicited seeds from China

Wisconsin ag officials say they are getting many online reports from people receiving unsolicited packages of seeds from China. Ag Secretary Designee Randy Romanski says, “We’ve gotten more than 500 complaints thus far just on that (online reporting) format, and there are other places where there are complaints coming as well.”

Romanski tells Brownfield they are working closely with USDA’s Animal Health and Plant Inspection Service to investigate the source of the seeds, and he’s continuing to urge people not to plant or open the seed packages. “If somebody has planted them, leave them there until they receive more guidance from DATCP or USDA. If the seeds are in a sealed package, don’t open the package. Retain the packaging so it might be helpful for the investigation.”

And, Romanski says it’s not just seeds the department is getting complaints about. “We’re requesting that people who received those unsolicited non-seed packages contact the DATCP consumer hotline at 800-422-7128.”

So far, state and federal officials have not been able to identify what kinds of seeds are being sent, or who is sending them.

A link to the online form to report unsolicited seeds and other plant material in Wisconsin can be found HERE
