Cattle on feed total slightly lower than last year
The total number of cattle in U.S. feedlots on July 1st was slightly below a year ago at 11.438 million head, but still the second largest total for the month on record. Steers and steer calves accounted for 61% of the total at 7.033 million head, a modest year to year increase, and heifers and heifer calves made up the remaining 39% at 4.405 million, 1% less than last year.
Placements into feedlots were up 2% at 1.798 million head on expectations for better consumer and export demand, along with declining pasture conditions. Most of those placements were cattle weighing less than 600 pounds up to 900 pounds, to be marketed late this year into early spring next year. By weight, placements of cattle weighing less than 600 pounds were 430,000 head, the 600 to 699 pound category accounted for 310,000 head, and placements of cattle weighing 700 to 799 pounds were 360,000 head, while 800 to 899 pound placements were 413,000 head, placements of cattle weighing 900 to 999 pounds were 200,000 head, and the 1,000 pound and heavier category made up the remaining 85,000 head.
Marketings during June were 1% above the year before at 1.969 million head.
The number of cattle and calves on feed headed to slaughter markets on July 1st was 13.600 million head, steady with the previous year, with 84% of those cattle in feedlots with a capacity of 1,000 or more head.
Placements were slightly below some pre-report expectations, which could be supportive for prices, depending on demand.
Year to year comparisons for listed Brownfield states:
Iowa: Cattle on Feed: 630,000 head, down 3% from July 1st, 2019; Placements: 58,000 head, 11% lower than a year ago; Marketings: 66,000 head, 8% less than last year
Minnesota: Cattle on Feed: 125,000 head, unchanged from July 1st, 2019; Placements: 14,000 head, unchanged from a year ago; Marketings: 18,000 head, unchanged from last year
Nebraska: Cattle on Feed: 2.26 million head, down 2% from July 1st, 2019; Placements: 420,000 head, up 1% from a year ago; Marketings: 555,000 head, 7% more than last year
South Dakota: Cattle on Feed: 185,000 head, down 12% from July 1st, 2019; Placements: 23,000 head, down 26% from a year ago; Marketings: 32,000 head, 33% less than last year