Closing Grain and Livestock Futures: July 21, 2020

Market News

Closing Grain and Livestock Futures: July 21, 2020

Sep. corn closed at $3.22 and 3/4, down 5 and 1/2 cents
Aug. soybeans closed at $8.96 and 1/2, down 6 and 1/2 cents
Aug. soybean meal closed at $285.60, down $3.00
Aug. soybean oil closed at 30.07, up 14 points
Sep. wheat closed at $5.27 and 3/4, up 5 and 3/4 cents
Aug. live cattle closed at $101.85, down 42 cents
Aug. lean hogs closed at $51.47, up $1.07
Aug. crude oil closed at $41.96, up $1.15
Dec. cotton closed at 62.95, up 7 points
Sep. rice closed at $11.80 and 1/2, down 1 cent
Aug. Class III milk closed at $23.30, up 15 cents
Aug. gold closed at $1,843.90, up $26.50
Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 26,840.40, up 159.53 points
