Illinois farmer says crops could use another “million-dollar rain”
A north central Illinois farmer received what he calls a “million-dollar rain” late last week and says crops could use another one soon.
Chad Unzicker farms near Morton, Illinois. He tells Brownfield before Friday they had not gotten any significant rains since May.
“We would definitely take another rain if we can get one. We are supposed to see some precipitation here this afternoon, but it seems like the pattern for our area this year has been rain is supposed to hit us then it skips around us.”
He says the forecast for the next week shows highs in the 80’s and 90’s which could cause heat stress for crops without more rain.
“Soybeans for the most part have not canopied. For corn we have everything from knee high to shooting tassels just depending on when it was planted. Crops do look pretty good considering the stress they have had this season.”
He says he is watching the long-term forecast to determine if it makes sense to spray the crop with fungicides.