Lawmakers ask USDA to expand CFAP to small, diversified farms


Lawmakers ask USDA to expand CFAP to small, diversified farms

Two lawmakers are concerned the structure of Coronavirus Food Assistance Program payments are largely inaccessible to small, diversified farms.

Republican Congressman Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska and Democratic Congresswomen Chellie Pingree of Maine are asking Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue to provide relief for farms that rely on local market outlets and direct-to-consumer sales.

The coronavirus relief package included $9.5 billion for direct producer assistance. But, the lawmakers says the USDA did not provide specific accommodation for these small farms, including beginning and underserved producers.  

Fortenberry and Pingree are asking the USDA to allow payments on total revenue losses, rather than prices losses for individual commodities. They’re also asking for flexibility on documentation regarding losses and extended eligibility to additional commodities to be more inclusive of local food producers.
