Sue Johannsen of the League of Women Voters joined Amy K on Moving Forward this morning to talk about the upcoming Muscatine County Candidate Forums. The Forums will be closed to the public but can be viewed virtually on Muscatine Public Access channel 5 as well as the following:
The Forums are as follows:
Saturday: July 11th
10:30: County Auditors candidates Brandy Harfst and Tibe Vander Linden
12:00: County Sheriff candidates Michael Channon and Quinn Riess
Saturday: August 1st
10:30: County Board of Supervisors candidates Edward Askew and Scott Sauer (District 3)
12:00: County Board of Supervisors candidates Nathan Mather and Shelly Servadio Elias (District 4)
Saturday: August 22nd
10:30: State Senate Candidates Tom Courtney and Tim Goodwin (District 44)
12:00: States Senate Candidates Chris Brase and Mark Lofrgen (District 46)
Saturday: September 12th
10:30: State Representative Candidates Bobby Kaufmann and Lonny Pulkrabek (District 73)
TBD: State Representative Candidates Sandy Dockendorff and David Kerr (District 88)
TBD: StateĀ Representative Candidates Kelcey Brackett and Mark Cisneros (District 91)
County Attorneys may also be inserted on September 12th.