Most Wisconsin ag and food businesses are still going after 3 months of COVID-19


Most Wisconsin ag and food businesses are still going after 3 months of COVID-19

Despite a couple of temporary plant shutdowns, Wisconsin’s Ag Secretary Nominee says most of the state’s agriculture and food processing never stopped during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.  Randy Romanski says the Division of Food and Recreational Safety reports robust renewals for food processing and food service licenses, and he says several have been appreciative of the state extending the deadline and waiving late fees. “We’ve tried to work with the industry. We know and we understand that there are a lot of challenges right now so we tried to give them some time, and they’ve appreciated that.”

Romanski says most businesses filing as out-of-business are temporary food stand operators that have lost their markets because of COVID-19. “As we know, a lot of fairs have cancelled for this year and some of those temporary restaurants can’t afford the fee with no income.”

The Wisconsin State Fair and more than 50 local and county fairs have been canceled this year because of coronavirus concerns.
