Developments in infrastructure legislation would benefit the industry


Developments in infrastructure legislation would benefit the industry

The executive director of the US Soy Transportation Coalition says some recent legislation provides opportunities for the federal government to invest in infrastructure and promote long-term wellness

Mike Steenhoek says he’s encouraged the House passed a $1.5 trillion infrastructure package last week, but he’s concerned legislation won’t move forward…“If you don’t do something in a bipartisan fashion when you’ve got one party controlling the House of Representatives and the other party controlling the senate and the White House, it’s very unlikely you’ll get things done,” he says.

The proposal is not expected to be embraced by the Senate.

Steenhoek says the coalition is encouraging lawmakers to come together and craft a bipartisan bill that can move forward because the “window of opportunity to get things done is shrinking.”

“We’ve only got so many days before the election and congress is supposed to reauthorize a new highway bill by the end of September,” he says.

He says it’s critical that infrastructure continues to be improved as the country recovers from the coronavirus pandemic because the competitiveness of the US farmer is linked to having a well-maintained transportation system.

Audio: Mike Steenhoek

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