Drive to Feed Kids program provides pork for pantries


Drive to Feed Kids program provides pork for pantries

Missouri Farmers Care continues to team up with the Missouri Pork Association to increase the amount of pork in food pantries across the state through the Drive to Feed Kids Program. Scott Baker, the state director of Feeding Missouri says Increasing the amount of available food is especially critical now.

“We have seen demand spike over the last three months to unprecedented numbers,” he said. “More and more people are needing to access emergency food assistance, many of them for the first time ever.”

He says food pantry demand rose nearly 50 percent in that time. Since the last week of May, Missouri pig farmers have provided more than 200 pigs to the Drive to Feed Kids Program leading to over 93,000 servings. But, MPA Executive Director Don Nikodim tells Brownfield more needs to be done.

“It’s a great starting point,” he said. “We’re not where we need to be, I don’t think. And, as we move forward, if we can get other entities like Cory here at Central Missouri Meat and Sausage more engaged, they just haven’t had the capacity to do it.”

Nikodim, Missouri Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe and other Ag leaders sent a truck off from Central Missouri Meat and Sausage in Fulton Wednesday carrying 40,000 servings of pork headed to Kansas City.

Scott Baker Interview Don Nikodim Interview

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