More known about soybean gall midge, but pest remains somewhat a mystery


More known about soybean gall midge, but pest remains somewhat a mystery

Farmers, agronomists, and pest management specialists continue to gather intel on an emerging threat to soybeans. 

Soybean gall midge first appeared in Minnesota in 2018. 

Since then, University of Minnesota Extension integrated pest management specialist Bruce Potter says he and others have learned a lot about the insect.

“Quite a bit (actually) as far as how these things overwinter. We’re actually able to soil sample in the fall or spring and can find larvae that overwinter (and) pupate in the spring, similar to European corn borers.”

He tells Brownfield they also know soybean gall midge produce multiple generations, but don’t yet have a good handle on how fast they develop.

“We’re looking at insecticide options (but) that’s going to be a little tough just because those adult emergence periods are fairly long. Last year they were over two weeks.”

And Potter suspects first generation soybean gall midge are beginning to surface.

“So over the next few weeks, if you’re noticing some wilting plants or plants lodging at the edge of a soybean field, you might just want to take a look at those.”

Potter says you can peel back the outer layer of the soybean stem to look for the larvae.

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