NFU president says Growing Climate Solutions Act would support farmers
The president of National Farmers Union says climate change is the single greatest long-term challenge for farmers, rural communities, and global food security.
Rob Larew, testifying during a senate agriculture committee hearing on the Growing Climate Solutions Act, says the bill would help farmers and ranchers participate in carbon credit markets.
“There are many ideas on the best way to do this,” he says. “For example, a member of this committee, Senator Bennet, supports that farmers and ranchers should have access to a carbon sequestration tax credit. Others are proposing that USDA create a carbon bank within the Commodity Credit Corporation that would serve as another buyer of carbon offsets from farmers.”
He says a combination of these ideas is needed to ensure a stable and effective carbon market.
And, Larew says there should be no doubt that farmers are ready to play a role in addressing the changing climate.
“We stand ready to be part of the economy-wide solution to reduce total greenhouse gas emissions,” he says.
Larew says the climate legislation should also consider protections for farmers from bad actors, faulty market efforts, and corporate consolidation.