One-quarter of CFAP payments distributed so far


One-quarter of CFAP payments distributed so far

The USDA has now distributed $4 billion of the allocated $16 billion through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program.

The agency’s latest report shows cattle, swine and sheep producers have received nearly half of the funds distributed so far. Nearly $1 billion has gone to row crops like soybeans, corn, wheat and cotton, while dairy producers have received $895 million. Eligible specialty crop growers were the recipients of the remining $84 million.

Looking at state breakdowns, Iowa farmers have received far more payments than producers in any other state, totally $424 million or 11%. They are followed by Wisconsin at $286 million, mostly to dairy producers.

Producers of ineligible commodities had until Monday to convince USDA of their need for CFAP payments. The National Potato Council was among those who filed an appeal saying the industry is facing a crisis from the shutdown of food service. The council says USDA did not properly evaluate the price impact on potato growers as 1.5 billion pounds are sitting in the supply chain with no customers.

Up to this point, eligible producers have only been receiving 80% of due payments as USDA determines if any additional commodities will be added to the program.

Applications will be accepted through August 28th. Producers should apply through the Farm Service Agency at their local USDA Service Center.

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