Wisconsin Livestock Expo show will be held in lieu of State Fair
Wisconsin youth with livestock projects will have an opportunity to show those animals, even with the State Fair, and more than half of local fairs canceled. Ben Schmaling is on the committee organizing the Wisconsin Livestock Expo. He tells Brownfield, “We were kind of collaborating with the Racine County Fair Board, the Department of Health and our executive committee and we decided that there’s a lot of enthusiasm around that area and the Racine County Fair Board was really willing to work with us out and help make this thing a go.”
Schmaling says Wisconsin youth are eligible to participate in the show in Union Grove.
He says to reduce crowd sizes and have enough facilities, they will host one species at a time, and many exhibitors will show off the trailer. “Things start coming in August 9th is what our tentative schedule looks like. Cattle will go the 10th and 11th, sheep on the 12th, and pigs will be on the 13th and 14th.”
Show rules will be the same as the Wisconsin State Fair but they are lifting the limit on the number of livestock entries. “State Fair typically limits them in the market animals to two head. We’ve lifted that to hopefully give the kids (opportunity) to maybe show some other projects in addition to their State Fair projects that maybe have been a result of a canceled county fair or some other event that they weren’t able to go to, the World Pork Expo, whatever.”
Schmaling says the committee is currently working on possible alternatives to the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Livestock Auction. “We are working on gaining sponsorships so that the kids that are champions will be paid out similarly to that that they have been at the Governor’s Auction.”
Schmaling says the committee is working on the entry form, and that will be available shortly at their website, WI Livestock
Schmaling is also on an Iowa subcommittee that is helping to plan the swine portion of a livestock show since the Iowa State Fair is also canceled.
Ben Schmaling discusses the Wisconsin Livestock Expo with Brownfield’s Larry Lee