The following are the results from last nights Primary election. These candidates will continue on to the November election:
US Senate:
Joni Ernst (R)
Theresa Greenfield (D)
US Representative:
Marionette Miller Meeks (R)
Rita Hart (D)
State Senate District 44:
Tim Goodwin (R)
Tom Courtney (D)
State Senate District 46:
Mark Lofgren (R)
Chris Brase (D)
State Representative District 73:
Bobby Kaufmann (R)
Lonny Pulkrabeck (D)
State Representative District 88:
David Kerr (R)
Sandy Dockendeck (D)
State Representative District:
Mark Ciseneros (R)
Kelsey Brackett (D)
Board of Supervisors:
Scott Sauer (R)
Ed Askew (D)
Board of Supervisors:
Nathan Mather (R)
Shelly Servadio Elias (D)
County Auditor:
Tibe Vander Linden (R)
Brandy Harfst (D)
County Sheriff:
Quinn Riess (R)
Mike Channon (D)