ASA pleased CFAP assistance includes soybeans, livestock
American Soybean Association President Bill Gordon says ASA is pleased direct payments through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program will include soybeans and livestock.
“We really applaud the administration for recognizing there’s an issue, especially with our livestock growers,” he says. “…So for soybean growers like us, they’re our number one consumer of our product and number one customer so anytime we can strengthen the livestock industry it’s important.”
The Minnesota farmer says more assistance will likely be needed.
“When you look at this next aid package, agriculture is such a big industry that there’s never going to be enough money necessarily to make you profitable but we’re going to need some extra help and some extra programs to get through these next 6-12 months just to try to keep these family farms out there,” he says.
Soybean growers and other eligible commodities will be able to apply for assistance beginning May 26 through their local Farm Service Agency office.
ASA represents 30 soybean producing states and more than 300,000 soybean farmers.