Cooler weather slowing crop emergence in some areas


Cooler weather slowing crop emergence in some areas

While corn and soybean emergence are ahead of average nationally, cooler weather has slowed emergence in some states.

USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says 43% of the nation’s corn crop has emerged, which is slightly ahead of the five-year average of 40%, but emergence has been particularly slow in the eastern Corn Belt.

“For example, in Ohio just 11% of the crop emerged. The five-year average is 27%. Moving to the west in Illinois 43% emerged versus 56% on average.”

Despite the cool weather, soybean emergence is also ahead of average at 18%, with every state except North Dakota reporting some emergence as of Sunday.

Rippey says little to no emergence turned out to be a good thing for fields hit by the late season freeze on May 9th and 10th, but producers in freeze effected areas continue to monitor crops for signs of freeze injury.

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