Price-wise, it’s a good time to be a sorghum producer


Price-wise, it’s a good time to be a sorghum producer

Don Bloss tweeted this photo earlier this week with the caption “Milo headed to Kansas City. Final destination China?”

Southeast Nebraska farmer Don Bloss says, price-wise, it’s a good time to be a grain sorghum producer.

“Right now they’re paying very good for sorghum. In fact they’re paying 60 cents over Chicago corn, which makes it about 80 cents above where the corn price is,” Bloss says. “Most of ours was sold at 3.80.  There was some we sold at four dollars.”

Bloss say the price strength is because of strong demand from China, which is expected to continue. He says that’s one of the reasons they’re increasing their sorghum acres, at the expense of corn, this spring.

“Some of it’s because of the difference in ground. But you also don’t have nearly as much money in invested in the crop.”

Bloss says their cost of production on grain sorghum is about 40 dollars an acre less than corn, with the biggest difference being the cost of seed.

Bloss, who farms near Pawnee City, Nebraska, is a past chairman of the National Sorghum Producers organization.

AUDIO: Don Bloss

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